From 1989

The agricultural activity requires work every day to take care of animals and cultivate the land. We have about 20 bovines of two ancient breeds: Galloway for meat and Rendena for milk, four pigs from which we obtain traditional cured meats, 25 chickens, and some cats ready to be pampered.
Depending on the seasons, there are specific tasks to be carried out: in winter, it's time to "fatten up" the land, calves are born, wood is cut, and pigs are raised; in spring, the vegetable garden is prepared, fruit trees are pruned, and wild herbs are collected; in summer, cows are grazed, and the lawn is mowed; while in autumn, chestnuts, copafam beans, and Mandale olives are harvested.
It's possible to learn more about our work and our products by organizing tastings and guided experiences.